“There really are places in your heart that you don’t even know exist until you have a child.’

— Anne Lammot

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg


Your new journey in life is about to begin and I’m ready to capture all of your memories! Becoming a mother is one of life’s most precious gifts and you don’t want to miss a minute of the ride!

Your body will change daily and one day, you’ll miss what’s happening- the connection you already have with your new little love. Every pregnancy is different, but most maternity sessions happen between 28 weeks on the early side up to 34 weeks. All sessions include usage of maternity gowns from my selection.

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku


You’re a new mom and know these moments will go by faster than your mind can imagine! You will want to remember the moments kissing their soft cheeks, enjoying that new baby smell, rocking them to sleep. All of your heart is in your hands at this moment and that’s what you will want to remember.

Full newborn sessions will come with an assistant to pose and wrap your little one, plus customized, styled experience that you will always remember for years to come.


​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

Birth Story & Fresh 48

Birth matters. Nothing will ever compare to the day, to the moment when you meet your new love for the first time. I’m honored to capture these irreplaceable moments.. I capture the raw beauty, your strength and your journey embracing your new role..

So much will happen during that first 48 hours after your baby’s birth- your head will spin! Some things you’ll always want to remember though is your baby’s first introduction to your family, the first time your baby ‘s calm gaze falls on yours.. you will want these memories for a lifetime.